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English 97

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English 97 2020-11-19T17:14:17+00:00

ENGL 97: English Express

What is ENGL 97?

English 97 is a class that will prepare you to take English 101. The purpose of this class is to help us become better writers. We will improve our writing by reading, writing, sharing, and reflecting on our writing–and even by making mistakes.

What am I going to learn from this class?

This is a list of things I am responsible for teaching, and you’re responsible for learning them. Your work will be evaluated throughout the quarter based on these outcomes. The first part is in teacher vocabulary, but underneath each of the outcomes, I have tried to put them in simpler language.

By the end of English 97, students who earn a 2.0 or higher will be able to:

  • Use active reading strategies to distinguish parts of a reading, how the parts relate to each other and the overall structure, purpose, and context in order to represent and analyze the text.
    • In other words, recognize the different parts of a reading in order to understand it completely and use the information well.
  • Respond to the main ideas and supporting details of readings across multiple genres through text comprehension strategies.
    • In other words, understand different types of readings, like textbooks, online articles, library books, and other types, and be able to talk about them.
  • Use new vocabulary effectively in writing, based on vocabulary development strategies in course reading.
    • In other words, learn new words and be able to use those words in writing.
  • Critically respond to written and visual texts, including student drafts and course materials.
    • In other words, think deeply about what you read and see, including class readings and essays from other students, in order to talk about them using your knowledge.
  • Develop and revise focused essays that are supported by valid evidence and organized to move a reader through the text.
    • In other words, write drafts that your readers can understand well.
  • Distinguish their own words from those of sources to represent and integrate source material and ideas ethically and effectively.
    • In other words, learn how to borrow words and ideas from other writers to support your own ideas and to give them credit for their words and ideas.
  • Successfully edit writing through identification of their grammar error patterns.
    • In other words, learn how to find and fix your own grammar mistakes.
  • Articulate their challenges and strengths in writing and reading and their goals for future academic projects.
    • In other words, know what you do well in reading and writing, what you still need to work on, and how you can move forward into future classes and into your career.
  • Construct metacognitive and persistence strategies for college success.
    • In other words, learn important skills and ways of thinking that will help you be successful in college and in your future career.

If you earn a 2.0-2.9, you may go on to English 101 Plus Support.

If you earn a 3.0 or higher, you may go on to English 101 or English 101 Plus Support.