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English 101 Plus

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English 101 Plus 2024-09-17T19:07:04+00:00

ENGL 101 Plus (English Composition I Plus Support)

Course description

English 101 Plus is a 10 credit course that pairs English 101 with English 110, a support course designed to provide extra help in the form of exercises and activities for students who need extra time and help to pass English 101. English 101 Plus is not a replacement for English 91 or any other developmental writing course. Students who pass the course earn credit for English 101 and also for English 110, which transfers as an elective.

As with all English 101 classes, this class provides a general introduction to the principles of writing with emphasis on writing process, thesis, context, purpose and audience.

Course outcomes for English 101:

By the end of English 101, students who earn a 2.0 or higher will be able to:

  • Write texts that demonstrate awareness of various audiences, purposes, and genres in multiple modalities and contexts.
  • Argue a position that includes a claim, position, or response and engages at some point with a textual, visual, or audio source..
  • Analyze how systemic inequalities shape the formal and informal rules and guidelines that define notions of “good” and “bad” writing in order to make conscious rhetorical choices.
  • Integrate and respond to sources in writing (quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing), demonstrating the ability to read and think critically.
  • Identify information needs, locate and evaluate sources, and incorporate information into texts with an awareness of genre expectations.
  • Implement a collaborative writing process that includes planning, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Reflect on and contextualize your work as a writer and how it translates to your professional, academic and personal life.

In addition to the shared English 101 course, 101 Plus also has the following course outcomes for English 110 Support Class component:

  • Accurately summarize, paraphrase, and explain the meaning of written and visual texts
  • Substantively assess your own writing and the writing of others
  • Practice pre-writing skills and produce pre-writing items (like brainstorming, outlining, note-taking, etc., with a consideration of assignment and context)
  • Clearly and accurately distinguish your own words and ideas from the words and ideas of others in your own writing.
  • Select and evaluate appropriate, credible sources for use in your writing.